
Billed from: Houston, TX

Finisher: The Tweet Deleter

Twitter: @robbydeshazer

My name is Robby DeShazer – I am a writer, podcaster, and most importantly a wrestling fan

I have always been a fan of good quality storytelling, so when I finally figured out that wrestling was more than what it sounds like, I was hooked. Pretty soon, I was taking up a good chunk of my week watching every wrestling show that I could. I started tweeting my thoughts on matches, storylines, and backstage news and my opinions seemed to resonate with other wrestling fans. I decided that 280 characters wasn’t enough to hold my thoughts, so I started this blog.

Other Work

Go checkout out some of my other projects!

5208Media Podcast Network: http://5208media.com

Film Fracas Podcast: http://filmfracas.com

Tapheads: Craft Beer Podcast: @tapheadsshow

Creative Portfolio: deshazerimages.com